Skiver is a visual rock band that blends the band’s combined influences of rock, EDM, and Jrock into an amalgamation of sound that leaves crowds dancing, jumping, moshing, and everything in between.

Their debut EP Gloss has led to incredible opportunities for the band; as they have begun performing sold-out shows across New York and New Jersey. With their sights set on the rest of the US, they are sure to soon make a name for themselves. “We’re still a very new band and we want to come into this scene making a real impression, whether it’s with our sound, our looks, or anything else about us. To us there’s nothing worse than being one of those boring, forgettable, jeans and t-shirt wearing, clone of a clone, plays it safe, middle of the road, ‘whatever’ rock bands. We want you to know us. Then when you know us, you’re going to either love or hate us.”

SKIVER’s latest release; their Maxi-Single “No Goodbyes / Noise” is out now! Stream it now on Spotify, Itunes, Apple Music, and more!